Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Reflections

How did this year go so quickly?  Reading over my post from this time last year -
2010 Reflections, 2011 Aspirations - I have no idea where the time has gone!
Last year, I was getting ready to start our first session of Sing Play Grow, our inclusive early childhood music and movement program.  What I did not expect was receiving a call from the Jackson Symphony Orchestra Community Music School asking me to teach their early childhood music classes.  I have been doing both programs since the beginning of the year and, though it keeps me busy with some late nights, I have had the pleasure of working with some really great kiddos and families.  I look forward to lots more music play this coming year.

Not much changed with our school contracts, but, unfortunately, still little progress in expanding our program within our area hospitals.  However, I truly believe all the publicity surrounding the progress Representative Gabrielle Giffords made through music therapy will help with program proposals throughout a variety of populations and facilities.  Afterall, even NPR agrees it was a good year for music therapy (written in purple on the upper left-hand side)!

What's coming up for us in 2012, you ask? Well, that is TO BE CONTINUED, but in the meantime, enjoy this adorable performance by Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt!

Wishing you a safe and very happy New Year!

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